Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i feel like a mucus machine! i constantly produce mucus and i used up quite a lot of tissue already. i am not sick anymore and I cant understand why do i have to produce so much mucus. Maybe it's because the air is dry here. Another problem: When i breathe in the air, it will dry up my mucus and hence, they will become pisai. I am quite worried that when i am talking to people and there's just that something extra there. Especially now when i meet new people everyday. Wish me luck.


  1. hey!just get pasta sauce(the ready made ones) and pasta.boil pasta and heat sauce, put them tgt and you've a meal!dnt think its very expensive.can last you quite awhile!(:
    oh hope you're doing good!hahah.

  2. It hardens because you miss "Loy-Sao" too much already. I still think that kissing cum tango-ending pose should be used as your Facebook profile picture. Let your friends, especially your JC friends admire in awe.....teach them this is how true and authentic love should be.

    Life without Love is Meaningless.
    Love without Life is Mindless.
    Life and Love compatibly a Match,
    Enthralls images of romantic Sketch.

  3. yuwen:

    yoyo..send me ur aussie address!! i made ur card!! but i was unable to pass it to u..
    so send me the add!!
    to my email!!
    have fun there!

    P.S..add a tagboard to ur blog leh..then easier to tag/comment...

  4. hahas. this post is so gross i don't even knw why i finish reading it. but I'd wish you luck anyway :d

  5. hey i do have the same kinda problem. mucus just drip down whenever i walk. get a mask so tt ur nose will not be in direct contact with the cold wind. haha but then u will have to wash ur mask daily. it doesnt solve the problem, but it helps a little. k jiayou!

    YL in beijing
