Friday, May 8, 2009

I just got back from laser tag!! Whew, it was fun!!! Oh, it is a war game thing organised by our floor senior resident. You have to wear this laser vest thing and try to shoot your opponents' vest in the dark maze. It was really fun!! It is a floor thing so basically, my floor had to fight against the other floor. But my floor had too many people so we were split up. It was fun shooting my dodo neighbour. But they are really sneaky, kept sneak-attacking me from behind. They brought scarves and gloves thinking that the maze will be very cold. Haha. They are funny people. We went for ice cream after that. :)

I played this once with my class in Cidans bt batok in sg. It was really fun too!!! I think it costs quite a bit to play in sg. Here, it is 15 for 2 games. Haha. Should play together. very fun.

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