Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I feel I didn’t tell people about a lot of stuff. I didn’t mentioned that I went to gold coast during my holiday. (Sorry nadya we didn’t get to go together cause our holiday clashes!! I went in the end! ) I didn’t mentioned I represented my hall for the interhall table-tennis competition and got thrashed! I didn’t mentioned that spring has arrived and the trees in my school started dispersing this while furry seed and the air is filled with it. I accidentally inhaled one into my nose and I had to dig it out. Anyway it looked like Canberra is snowing here. Oh and I have decided to put braces this coming holiday.
I have so much to tell. I am lazy to blog about my stuff. I guess I still prefer talking and telling stuff. So I will say more when I am back.
Monday, October 12, 2009
hm i must say that the guy is quite lucky.
in the sense he didn't encouter somebody who is really urgent. i mean big business, like pressing lausai. if i were very urgent in my big business, i am just going to splash it across his face in the toilet bowl. i don't care when i am so desperate for toilet and i finally found a toilet in the middle of nowhere and u want hide there. who ask u wanna hide in toilet bowl?? inconsiderate la.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Ok I always digress away from what I wanted to blog initially! I wanted to say that my friends came over my room to hang out after their exam. Cause I have a cool tv J so we sat down and watch Emmy’s together. Woah red carpet event so people wore nice suits and gowns etc etc. When I watch tv, I will switch around the channels during commercials. So as I was switching, I got so confused by this other channel showing something similar to emmy’s. After a while, I realised that THEY HAVE A STAR AWARD FOR RUGBY PLAYERS!! IT’S a red carpet event too. With their wives in gowns etc etc. I was shocked. They really brought a craze for a sport to another level. So I was watching the news just now and they were talking about the guy who won best player or sth yesterday. It reminds me of channel 8 news which also talked about Li nan xing when he won best male lead award in Hong Xing Da Jiang.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
hm i have been playing guitar in my hall for this sem. it's really nice to play songs when u feel emo and need to sing it out. i guess my floor is kind of affected by my singing. not that i sing badly.. it's that people started playing guitar and there's this guitar craze going on!! My friend bought a guitar after playing my guitaer a few times. :) her guitar comes with an amplifier!! guess i can finally realise my dream of forming a band in uni. and yes! i wanna be the lead singer.
and there are many websites with chords. so i am basically holding a guitar ktv in my room. BUT, all my friends listne to different music. My chinese friend had never heard of popular songs such as Ji DE, or jian jian tan tan et. Then some who listen to english songs have never heard of 'So young' by the corrs etc etc. wa lau right!
k i am in the mood of singing again. bye!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Don't think that NUS is that bad.
haha i miss going back to NUS. Hai you know in ANU, i am not known as Aloysius. The name in the system is LIM CHOON YONG. NO ALOYSIUS although i have been known as aloysius since don't know when. I was quite frustrated by it as tutors started calling choon yong in class and i was still wondering who the hell is that, until i start to register that he is calling me. My matriculation card states CHOON YONG LIM. what the hell right. haha. then my friends start to question the authenticity of my name. They were like 'who gave you the name'?? haha cause they were thinking that how did i come up with such a difficult name. Remember i told you all down here, ALOYSIUS is not common. And i went down to the admin office to change the name in the system. they changed it and re-printed my matric card. Apparently, my name is too long. So 'aloysius' is still left out.
And when i was sending email today, i realised ...
Choon Lim
Friday, August 14, 2009 10:51 am
Ok now i am called choon lim in all my emails. So when i send emails to people, they will see choon lim as the sender. I am absolutely sure that people can recognise that's me la!!
i enjoy uni life.
For people who are still in school, let's enjoy being young and free. Enjoy being able to sleep in on days when we don't have lessons, Or when we decide to keep class. Enjoy having a long break, stay in library chill. Enjoy our long lunch breaks. enjoy going home early. play badminton in afternoon etc etc.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The last straw was when they showed this plump women who came in with a problem. She started taking off her pants and underwear. They showed EVERYTHING! I went over to ask my neighbour over to see!! Then, the doctor ply open her buttcheek to show her problematic assshole. She thinks she has piles but the doctor mentioned something else. I didn't catch what was that. It was bumpy, and like the villi in our intestines. I think she's such a poor thing! Her whole problem was bad enough and now, they are showing the whole world her problematic asshole. I really hope she got better. When i think about the scene, i feel very itchy.
The whole programme is just so jaw breaking, GROSS, yet really really educational. It teaches you about hygience, symptoms of potential illnesses, STD, good gym habits etc etc. I recommend that you watch it when you feel sleepy while studying. An excellent reality/documentary show. Done in a grossly effective way.
I caNT find on youtube the asshole thing. This one shows a guy with 3 nipples.
Monday, August 10, 2009
hai but i forgot to bring camera!! so no pictures!!
Lots of people prepared food. It was supposed to be a potluck. People cooked nasi lemak, pandan cake, oneh oneh, mee siam, curry chicken, hokkien mee and a lot more. i think they are great!! dunno where they learn how to cook all these chim stuff.
I went in and started eating. It was a warm feeling to see so many singaporeans gathered in a cosy room, eating homecooked stuff. Those NDP songs were being played in the background. I had goosebumps when "home" was played. It reminded me of singapore so much. It suddenly struck me that i miss singapore very much. haha. maybe i miss singing the song to people in singapore.
Then the parade started. I have not watched the parade for so many years. Normally, i will be out or sth. This year, the parade is boring as usual. No offence to the participants. I mean the show is great but not my cup of tea. Esp the display of millitary power in the first part. I think they should scrap it off. People died from it a few years ago. They should divert precious resources to catching people like mas selemat, instead of putting up a show.
My non-singaporean friend feels that our NDP is like clubbing. I think she has never been to a club tho. hahaha.
It was a very different NDP for me. woo i feel that i have just written a primary school essay titled "My national day". Hope i will get A for being so frank.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
aloy: oh so your parents are teachers? that's explains why you are such a Mr nice. I insulted you like all the time and you don't really insult me.
(not that he can win me if he started an insult war with me. My friend gave me his usual "dunno what's going on" look)
friend: oh no. i have some friends who have an odd sense of humour. it's entirely different from mine.
(he's refering to me!! and PEOPLE! I TOLD U ALL THEY CANT GET MY JOKES!! hai!)
aloy: so are you saying i am odd?
friend: no no...!!! my other friends are odd.
(remember i told u he is really nice. he just refuse to admit that he thinks i am odd)
Ok i shall be not make fun of him all the time. he cant get my jokes anyway. i am doomed to be the "trying to be funny but odd" guy here.
P.S i feel like giving people a course on singapore humour.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Sunday there's a NDP parade and people are asking me to go. honestly, i don't even watch the ndp in singapore. and it start at 9pm in ANU. it means it will be really cold! i am not that keen to go although it will be an opportunity to wear my scarf that i bought from china. (btw i don't wear scarf in the day time. too extra) guess i just see how's my mood. but the thot of people singing stand up for singapore there is quite off. i dunno what they will do.
Oh i am taking a module that requires me to use lots of excel and do lots of analysis. it is killing me as i am quite a computer-idiot. btw, i stilll have not figured out how to upload the whole album onto facebook.
Ai i am blogging rubbish as usual. but as my work has not piled up yet, i have time to blog rubbish. so stay tuned :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I think I am having a great start for semester 2. Considering last semester around this time, I was still living on instant noodles and canned food. I am eating much better now. I have been quite HAPS ever since I came back.
1. Celebrated my friend’s birthday yesterday.
2. Went for yum cha in Canberra by the lake/reservoir thing. YES!! We have dimsum here. Like maybe 1 or 2 restaurants.
3. Did some shopping at dfo.
4. Went for drag night/dread night. Haha it was fun la.
5. Random cooking sessions with friends
6. Planning to celebrate another birthday tmr
7. AND I AM GOING FOR INTERNATIONAL BALL ON SAT. if I can get tickets. The theme is red carpet. So my friends have already geared up etc. got their dresses and high heels etc etc. I will probably wear my casino royale suit
8. I got a running buddy who runs with me to mt Ainslie twice a week
I think I am more HAPS for these 2 weeks than the whole of last semester. Yea!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Here are some pictures!!
It all started with...
It's strange to look at guys with moustach etc, and looking very broad, in puny dresses.
And front view!! haha. oh the girl is my neighbour. i called her michael jackson tonight.
Cute handbag.
oh there's a nurse. And a bunny girl at the background. not very visible tho.
Friday, June 26, 2009
I went to Sydney when huiquan first arrived. It was a really fun experience being in Sydney as for once, more than 30 people are within my view in Australia. We went to sydney fish market
nd had picnic by the sea. We had lobster, oyster, snapper, prawns etc etc and beer by the sea. We sat on the grass. In singapore, i dont think people are very willing to sit on grass as there are ants la, mud la etc etc. But in australia, it's like a norm. You have to sit on grass to feel australian.
We went to the opera house and the harbour bridge after that.
Sydney oper house really looks magnificient, in postcards. When we saw it in person, it is not that grand. The structure is interesting but it is not very well maintained i think. From close-up, i thought that it look like ministry of manpower in tanjong pagar. Harbour bridge is nicer :)
Oh then we went to melbourne on the following week. MELBOURNE IS VERY NICE. haha i like it a lot. It was so so fun. I feel like i was trapped in Tekong, and released into pasir ris white sands. But melbourne is a really nice city. Buildings very european, shopping is really good. They have this street called colin st which is a small alley with all the small cafes, restaurants and shopping etc.
I have always wanted to visit sydney and melbourne ever since i was young. It is quite surreal that i can just take a bus over.
I stayed near a beach in melbourne. On my last day, i realised that i can actually see penguins on the beach if i am there at the right time!!! So we did not see any penguins although we could hear them. They were hiding in the rocks by the time we went there. But we saw other types of birds la.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Firstly, I was quite shocked by the how openly these opposition people are. I am startled by how free the media here is. Can you imagine Chee soon juan or some other oppositions start to appear in various commercials in Singapore, urging Singaporeans to oppose certain government decisions? The publicities given to him were mainly pictures of him in handcuffs, walking outside subordinate court etc. Not being able to appear on TV in a glamorous way, he has to resort to giving out flyers in NUS.
For your information, Singapore is ranked 140 out of 167 in terms of media freedom. However, as how our leaders put it, we should not be ashamed of it due to our economic prosperity. Oops. Did I just blurt out an answer scheme from social studies? Haha. I am not ashamed of the fact la. I mean I am just shocked.
But I guess Singapore is improving, given that we jumped 4 places from last year. Apparently, the news of mas selemat was being released as a straits times report got the information. Hence, the authority has no choice but to release the news too. Really? They could have prevented the reporter from reporting it but they didn’t. Don’t know why. Maybe they are giving some autonomy to our press? Don’t raise your eyebrows la. It’s a positive start la.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Just wondering, apparently, mas selamat was caught in 1 April. So why did they only release the information today? Are they checking whether the mas selamat is the real one and not somebody in disguising mas selamat? I mean you never know. They are masters of disguise. I really can’t understand why they did not release the information earlier.
While reading this news, I happen to chance upon this while following comment thread on mas selamat. I don’t know how I ended up here too.
Last February, a USSPN Washington Regional Coordinator was present during a report given by an international lawyer from Singapore, Thio Su Mien (Su), who is gifted in prophetic intercession and healing. She shared about some of the things going on in the area of Indonesia before the tsunami.She explained how the SARS virus hit Singapore a year prior to the earthquake/tsunami. The Lord alerted the intercessors and told them that if they did not get on their faces and repent on behalf of their nation's involvement in abortion as the contraceptive of choice, that the land would suffer from His hand of judgment.
Don’t waste what you learnt in social studies. Do not form opinions straight away. That comment may not be meant for general public. Use your social studies skills and think carefully and form opinions after that. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lost a friend or relative during the SARS if I happen to chance upon it as well. Well, I guess people are entitled to their opinions, whether the opinion is a responsible/sensible/helpful/extreme one or not. This comment reminded me about how my ah-ma will always attribute stuff to creative reasons. Like when I had a cough, she will say that it is because I did not switch off the main switch after I use my computer. Something like that. I will be irritated although I know she meant well. Just an interesting read. No offence huh.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I played this once with my class in Cidans bt batok in sg. It was really fun too!!! I think it costs quite a bit to play in sg. Here, it is 15 for 2 games. Haha. Should play together. very fun.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
1. Humorous
2. Has a job
3. Good looking
4. Athletic
Then they started talking about how hedge fund managers in pinstriped shirt and briefcase are OUT. Now, construction workers, the REAL MEN with REAL JOBS are IN. then they started talking about how construction sites became a hunting ground for women looking for love. I was really amused because the interviews are really drama. Women who were interviewed said that they want men who can help do stuff around the house etc. They appeared really enthu throughout the interview. The news even showed where the areas with construction workers are, to facilitate the hunt.
Can you imagine when these aussie women come over to Singapore and started hunting in construction sites?? I hope they have a pleasant surprise, and not a cultural shock. Oh i mean cultural invasion. Haha. I wonder if Singapore women will have a change of taste and start hunting in construction sites too. Haha. Can go to little india with their bf every sunday.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wa cant believe people will do this. This is even more unethical than the china milk powder thing. Oh unethical is understating it. I guess it may not be true. Cause it is difficult to believe that any human being is inhumane enough to do it.
Ok back to my point. I read that emotions ran high during the meeting. There were security guards controlling crowd. The women in power held screaming matches with each other in front of reporters somemore. For some strange reason, I was reminded of this scene from the Unbeatables where Zoe Tay shouted across the gambling table at her opponent, “all the feud (en1 en1 yuan4 yuan4), let's settle on the gambling table!!!!” Then she starts to shake this black thing with dice in it very professionally with the old drama backgroud music.
Real life dramas. More interesting than channel 8. However, I hope this saga does not dilute the main objective of fighting for women’s rights. They should have a break and have a kit kat. Red and white too. Wa i feel like eating chocolate now.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My floor had a chai tea and ice cream session the other day. It was quite nice to chat and eat ice cream. I showcased my coffee machine too!! Haha. Of course, the crowd was impressed.
Just a random thought. Maybe we should have a fruit and salad session. I will then observe the toilet for the next day and see whether sticky shit stain reappears. If yes, I can narrow down the suspects to those who didn’t attend the salad and fruit session.
I shouldn't be too obsessesed with finding out the culprit. However, i am just too amazed in a wrong way by how sticky the stains can get, and its location. And i realised readership has gone up since i posted my pictures.So i shouldn't be blogging about disgusting stuff like this.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I ventured out of westfield and i saw this. I guess it makes sense. Northpoint and causeway point being near to each other.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Actually, Dickson is also considered the Chinatown of Canberra as it has a few chinese groceries stores and restaurants. I ate 14 dollar, tasteless laksa from one of the restaurants here.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Being spontaneous and fun, i decided to go down to belconnen yesterday. I took a bus and it went through interesting places. In particular, the bus went through this place with interesting shops, restaurants. Being spontaneous and fun, i decided to alight instead of going down to belconnen. I realised it is call GUNGHALIN!!! Come into my world of lonely planet and admire the pictures.
A picture of the sun. The sky was grey. I had never seen grey sky here. It's back to a nice shade of blue today.
Look at the cool car...
I bought lots of stuff from the reject shop. It was fun being in a new/interesting environment. But i suddenly had a strange urge. I felt like feel like proving some theorem. When it comes, It's unstoppable. I think i am a nerd, a cool one though. i find my behaviour somewhat wierd too. However, i didn't have any material. Not even writing material. So i bought a pen, use some tissue paper and started proving some stuff. Don't judge me!! i roamed around, shopping, eating, proving some theorem. i think It's somewhat cool! i had creme bulee from gloria jeans too. Although at that point in time, i was kind of worried that i will accidentally use these tissue paper to wipe my mouth. Then my proves will be gone.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ok these are some interesting facts about my popular and fun friend. Please feel free to like her.
1. Her singing is consider really good given that she is basically tone-deaf.
2. She can help improve your health but she will need to poke you with a needle. And the needle looks like it will break.
3. She's really helpful and was involved in lots of community work including becoming a clown for sick children etc.
4. She's humorous.
5. She's a sunshine girl, at least that's why she likes to wear a cap.
6. She has a lot of good points but i can't think of any now. It's too late i am sleeping.
Can send me a email if you are interested. She said guys girls welcome so you all see how huh. She's not ugly!! please do not even suspect.
For those ugly individuals out there, send me an email if you need help looking for a soul mate. I will see how's my mood.

Here are some snapshots during our lectures.

We are usually so cool during lecture.
Oh and i became the cover page boy for NJC. Nothing surprising. I heard they made my picture into a school banner. Well, what can i say.
Oh and i chose the next picture cause i am the centre of attention/attraction.
And limin, if you are reading this, you still owe me genting photos!! you said you are going to burn for me 5 years ago. Thx huh. So i am showing the immoral side of my friends. Gambling.
Sorry huiquan, for showing such a chui photo of you. HAha. nostalgic la!! Note people, she's not like this normally.
To be fair, i am showing a chui picture of me. You look so good beside me when i have a breakout.
My friend one commented that you are old when you start to look at old photos. Well, i guess i am the exception. Oh, i must say i thoroughly enjoyed JC :) Not difficult to enjoy when i have so many fun friends.